2023年长沙学院“一带一路” 国际学生奖学金申请办法

发布时间:2023-03-10 责任编辑:青锋 

    为落实国家“一带一路”发展倡议,贯彻教育部《推进共建“一带一路”教育行动》方案,推动我校与“一带一路”沿线国家的教育交流,吸引更多优秀的“一带一路”沿线国家学生来校学习,营造良好的国际化校园文化氛围,特设立“ ‘一带一路’国际学生奖学金”,用于资助有意愿来我校学习中文的全日制语言国际留学生。



































In response to the national Belt and Road Initiative, and in order to promote cooperation and exchange between CCSU (Changsha University) and countries along the Belt and Road, we hereby set up the Belt and Road Initiative scholarship to sponsor international students who are interested in full-time Chinese language study in CCSU.

1. Scholarship Coverage

The scholarship will cover registration fee, tuition fee, dormitory fee, fee for basic teaching materials and comprehensive insurance for one academic year. (living expenses are not covered)

2. Application Deadline

May 15, 2023

3. Students Who Apply

Citizens of countries along the Belt and Road who:

① are aged 18 or above;

② have no record of bad behavior;

③ are healthy both psychologically and physically.

4. Application Materials

1. Resume (in both Chinese and English);

2. Application Form of Hunan Provincial Scholarship for Chinese Language Learning Students from the Countries along “The Belt and Road” (see attached);

3. Scanned copy of non-criminal record issued by police station, foreign affairs department in your country of origin or habitual residence;

4. Scanned copy of notarized diploma or certificate of expected graduation of the highest degree attained in Chinese or English;

5. Scanned copies of notarized transcripts in Chinese or English;

6. Application form for international students in CCSU (see attached);

7. Scanned copy of passport

8. Photocopy of Physical Examination Record for Foreigner (see attached). The form needs to be filled in English, and the applicant keeps the original copy for future visa application. The health examination must cover all the items listed in the Physical Examination Record for Foreigner. Incomplete records or those without signature of attending physician, official stamp of the hospital or a sealed photograph of the applicants are invalid. The health examination results will be valid for 6 months. All applicants are kindly requested to take this into consideration as they plan to take the examination.

Please send the application materials above to our email

Email:gjc@ccsu.edu.cnwith the subject line “Belt and Road Scholarship application”

5. Note

①The scholarship only applies to new students, but not international students who are already studying in China or once studied in Hunan Province before;

②Given the limited seats, the scholarship winners will be chosen on the principle of “comprehensive review and merit-based enrolment”;

③Throughout the academic year (winter and summer vacations excluded), the students who leave China for over 15 days for any personal reason will not enjoy the scholarship during the leave. Scholarships of those who suspend schooling, quit school or receive disciplinary action, will be stopped from the day they suspend schooling, quit school or receive the notice of disciplinary action.

6. Disclaimer

①Incomplete application materials or those not in line with the application requirements will not be accepted;

②Applicants who submit false materials, or if the materials are found not to be filled or submitted by the applicants themselves, will be disqualified;

③Applicants who, for some reason, cannot register in school, should inform the school 15 days before the registration dayin writing and specify the reason. Scholarships of applicants who fail to register without any reason will be cancelled;

④Scholarships will be cancelled for those who cannot pass the health examination in China, suspend schooling or drop out from school.

7. Contact

International Cooperation and Exchange Office of Changsha University

Address: 3022 Changsheng Office Building, 98 Hongshan Road, Kaifu District, Changsha, Hunan, China (Postcode: 410002)

Tel: (86-731) 84261372

Email: gjc@ccsu.edu.cn

Attachment 1:Belt and Road scholarship application

Attachment 2:Changsha University Application Form for Admission

Attachment 3:Foreigner Physical Examination Form


